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Canada Train plunges into river after bridge collapse in central Canada


Xinhuanet | | Commenter |Imprimer

A portion of a bridge in central Ontario, Canada collapsed Sunday, sending several cars from a cargo train into the Wahnapitae river below, local media reported.

No injuries were reported, but the collapse and derailment prompted the Sudbury and District Health Unit to issue a drinking-water advisory to local residents that asked them not to consume the water or swim in the river as a statement said that the train contained some potentially hazardous materials.

Trucks carrying cranes and other equipment have been brought in to help with recovery and bridge repair near the community of Wanup, Ont., just south of Sudbury.

In addition, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada has sent a team of investigators to the scene.

Residents who live near the site was quoted as saying that the crash of five Canadian Pacific cars was loud and train containers and other debris could be seen floating downstream hours after the incident.

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