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Haïti Haitian minister quits amid U.S. citizenship allegetions


Xinhuanet | | Commenter |Imprimer

A cabinet member of the Haitian government resigned over allegations of holding American citizenship, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe's office said on Tuesday.

Minister of Haitians Living Overseas Bernice Fidelia, 51, was accused of being an American by lawmakers. The allegation has yet to be confirmed.

In a statement announcing Fidelia's resignation, Lamothe's office neither commented on her citizenship nor gave details of her departure. ' Foreign Minister Pierre-Richard Casimir would assume Fidelia's portfolio, in addition to his own, until further notice, Lamothe's office said.

Fidelia lived in the United States before moving to Haiti to work for President Michel Martelly after he took office in May 2011.

The opposition has accused Martelly and several top members of the government, who have previously resided in the United States, of holding U.S. citizenship and thus being ineligible to hold office in Haiti.

U.S. officials have declined to comment on such allegations against senior Haitian leaders, citing privacy rules.

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