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Haïti Haiti president marks first two years in office


Xinhuanet | | Commenter |Imprimer

Haitian President Michel Martelly on Tuesday voiced satisfaction with the progress achieved during the first two years of his tenure and pledged continued efforts for the economic development of his country, sources from Haiti said.

"In these two years, we have done more than my predecessors have," Martelly said Tuesday at the opening of the renovated Boyer Square in eastern Port-au-Prince.

He stressed the progress in public security and education.

"The real victory is that after 15 or 20 years, all children going to school will be able to become engineers, doctors or business people, and not turn into lost generations," he said.

Martelly admitted there is still much to do, and called on Haitians to exercise patience and wait for things to gradually improve.

Assuming Haiti's presidency on May 14, 2011, Michel Martelly pledged to restore law and order as well as legal safeguards that he described at the time as "essential to achieving stability, promoting development and attracting foreign investment."

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