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Venezuela Venezuelan gov't says Chavez's condition "unchanged"


Xinhuanet | | Commenter |Imprimer

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's health condition remains "unchanged" as four days ago when he had respiratory insufficiency caused by pulmonary infection, an official confirmed on Monday.

The president is "in a stationary condition", said Information Minister Ernesto Villegas in a statement.

Last Thursday, Villegas said that Chavez suffered a "severe" pulmonary infection and difficulty in breathing and was receiving rigorous treatment.

Venezuelan experts say that a patient suffering breathing difficulty caused by a severe pulmonary infection may need months to recover, and cancer patients in such a condition need "special treatment."

Chavez has traveled to Cuba many times for treatment since June 2011 after being diagnosed with cancer. He was reelected as president in October 2012, but had to go to Cuba to receive surgery in the next month due to the relapse of his cancer.

In response to speculation that Chavez may not be sworn in for his third six-year term as scheduled on Jan. 10, Diosdado Cabello, the newly re-elected president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, said Saturday that Chavez "will still be the President beyond January 10th" despite his precarious health.

He said Chavez did not need to take another oath in front of the parliament to become President as he was re-elected.

Last Friday, Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro said Chavez could be sworn in by the Supreme Court at a later date if he is unfit to do the swearing-in on Jan. 10.

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