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Venezuela Chavez's health remains "delicate": Venezuelan VP


Xinhuanet | | Commenter |Imprimer

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suffered more complications after cancer surgery in Cuba on Dec. 11, Vice President Nicolas Maduro said here Sunday.

Maduro, who spoke in a televised speech from Cuba, did not elaborate on the complications, but said that these new complications were caused by respiratory infection that afflicts Chavez for at least two days. He said he had the opportunity to talk to the president to update the country's situation for him listened to his instructions

"Nineteen days after the surgery, the health of President Chavez continues to be delicate, presenting complications that are being addressed in a process that is not without risks, " he said.

Chavez "wanted to transmit the New Year greeting to all Venezuelan families throughout the entire country and give a warm hug to the children of Venezuela, who are always remembered in his heart, " Maduro said, adding that the president's wishes are that 2013 will be a year for "the consolidation of the nation and national unity".

Maduro stressed that with strong physical, mental, and spiritual conditions of Chavez, as well as the special care of specialists, he believed that the president will finally succeed in this new battle.

Maduro, who arrived in Cuba since early Saturday morning, said he had "decided to stay in Havana (within hours)" and indicated that he would report the evolution of president' s health in future.

Chavez underwent a fourth round of surgery in Cuba on Dec. 11, since he was first diagnosed with cancer in the pelvic region in June 2011. His health has been the subject of intense media coverage, since he is scheduled to be sworn in to the third six-year term on Jan. 10.

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